
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How the Use of Drugs and Alcohol Affect High School Achievement Essay

How the Use of Drugs and Alcohol Affect High School AchievementA student at Lakeside High School, called Ann for purposes of privacy, had a grade shoot for average of 3.6 through her sophomore year. During her junior year, she dropped out of extra-curricular activities and became withdrawn from different social activities. As she was introduced to the world of hard do drugss, Anns grades dropped to Cs and Ds. At her graduation party, she was rushed to the hospital for a diacetylmorphine overdose. Anns grades plunged as a result of heavy drug exercising, a likely combination of emotional and physical degrading upon herself. Society as a whole degrades itself in this manner, whether the individuals themselves realize it or not. Achievement in high schools today is lacking greatly because of the societal problem of adolescent drug abuse. (Callahan 1)The achievement of high school students is affected by the physical exertion of drugs and alcohol. Many factors can lead to the usage of drugs. There is an apparent correlation coefficient between family income and drug use. The pressures exerted by society and peers also increase the ascertain of high school students to use drugs or alcohol. Students who are under the ascertain of mind-altering chemicals cannot learn as well, lack motivation, and risk permanent sack of memory and ability to learn. Many programs have been put into effect in the last five years to help combat this social disease, much(prenominal) as D.A.R.E. This is a serious problem in todays society because not only is the usage illegal, it causes society as a whole to degrade its social climate for growth. (Schydlower 1) Some of the most commonality factors that seem to have a direct correlation with drug use are peer pressure, high unemployment rate, low paying jobs, continued poverty, health problems, and lack of health insurance. There are many reasons why a high school student may use alcohol or drugs, but there are five main reasons as eyeshot by Cepulkauskaite. They may feel the need to use drugs in give to feel grown up, to fit in and belong, to relax and feel good, to fulfill risks and rebel, or to satisfy curiosity. Students yearn for social acceptance more than pedantic achievement, which is a problem that society continues to fight. These causes are among the many that may or may not lead to drug usage. (Hayslett 1 Cepulkauskaite 2) The effects of drug abuse are many and range from coma to ... ... Executive compendious of the 2000 Primary Prevention Awareness, Attitude, & Use Survey (PPAAUS). 2000. jar against 23, 2003. Futris, Ted G. and Urvia McDowell. Adolescents at adventure Illicit Drug Use. 2002. April 6, 2003. Hayslett, Chandra. Alcohol, Drugs Affect Dropout Rate-Study. February 13, 1996. March 9, 2003. Jacobus, Karen. Effects of Drug Use. 1999. April 6, 2003. depicted object Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and wellness Prevention. School Health Policies and Programs Study. September 30 , 2002. April 6, 2003. Parents. The Anti-Drug. Winter 2002. April 7, 2003. Pride Says Teen Drug Use at 10-Year Low. July 19, 2002. April 6, 2003. Schuster, Eli. Education, Poverty Linked. November 26, 2002. April 9, 2003. Schydlower, Manuel and Committee on heart and soul Abuse. The Role of Schools in Combating Substance Abuse. May 1995. March 9, 2003. Substance Abuse and Mental Health go Administration. The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. September 3, 2002. March 9, 2003. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use Among High School Students United States, 1991. lordly 5, 1998. March 9, 2002. Your Time-Their Future. Overview. 1999. April 9, 2003.

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