
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Indian Culture Vs Western Cultures Essay -- World Culture

A twin of years ago, I had invited my best friend Jenene, to attend an Indian wedding. I thought it might be fun for her to experience the different foods, clothing, personalities, and ghostly beliefs that were particular to my culture. Later on that evening she had pulled me to the side and told me that the culture that she was embossed in was completely different from mine. She was raised in New York every(prenominal) of her life and she had never experienced such a distinct culture. At that time I told her that she did not know half the story As time went on, she attended more and more Indian functions and realized that the principal(prenominal) differences between the western and Indian cultures were religion, marriage, and social interaction.The western culture is preponderantly of the Christian faith praying to one God. Growing up in the Hindoo faith, I always wondered why my mother used to pray to m any a(prenominal) Gods. As I became older, I built up the courage to engage a Pandit (Indian Priest) why we guessd in many Gods whereas all the others believed only in one. He had informed me that we only believe in one God, passe-partout Shiva. It may appear that we are praying to many Gods, but in concomitant we are praying to the many forms that he appeared to us on earth. The Hindu and the Christian religious beliefs are predominantly very similar in that they get a line individuals to be good and freehand people. The main difference between the dickens religions is our belief in the after-life. Christians believe that after we die, we wait to be judged (Judgement daylight) and until that time, your somebody remains in an everlasting sleep (purgatory). After Judgement Day Christians believe that they answer for the wrongs that they committed upon the earth. This determines whether they go to Heaven or Hell. Hindus believe in reincarnation, which is life after death. We believe that after you die, your soul is transferred into some other b ody or form. Depending on your dharma (behavior) in your previous life get out determine your karma (actions that pass on affect your next life). If you were a good and giving person, your soul will be transferred into a human, the highest life form. If you were bad, your soul will be transferred into an insect, animal, or a lower life form. In any case, both the Christian and Hindu religion teach good values, beliefs and ethics which constitute an ideal individual.The topic of marr... ...ne is innate(p) into. For example if your parents are born Vaishya, then you are automatically a Vaishya for life. The reason for my parents migration to the United States was to interrupt out of the caste system. The western society has a type of phase system that indicates whether you are upper, middle or lower class depending on your income. This fortunately varies from generation to generation and is not something you are born into. and then an individual decides what class they want to fall into. As time goes on more similarities will be seen between the Indian and western cultures. every will reflect the castrates that are occurring through assimilation. Indians, who were once thought to be backwards, more like traditionalists, are slowly adapting to the western societies and customs. Some changes merchantman be seen today in the United States where Indians are choosing their own mates, change their lifestyle from communal to associational, and shifting their classification from Vaishya to upper working class. solely areas of life and social interaction are showing a change from traditional to non-traditional while maintaining all the values, beliefs and customs of their old respected ways.

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