
Monday, March 25, 2019

The Crimean War :: European Europe History

The Crimean struggleThe Crimean War started be feature France and Russia wanted control over the Middle East and skirt areas. The war lasted from 1856 to 1858, just under two years. The more important split of the war are the causes and events that led up to it, the battle of the Alma, the naval wars of versatile seas and Sevastopol, the heavily fortified base of the Russian fleet.MLV Ffrench Blake states that the main cause of the war was Russias desire for territorial expansion, particularly towards a port in the Mediterranean. (Blake 1). He also believes that the inevit satisfactory drift into the war was aggravated by the linchpin and forth nature of the rulers of the opposing countries and bad diplomacy. The immediate excuses of the war were for shelter of oppressed minorities and retaliation against the death of nationalists in religious riots. Philip Warner believes that the main cause of the war was that Britain and Russia were both large countries and only one of them would be able to prevail. At the time, Britain was a country that stretched all the way to India and they couldnt afford to have a bun in the oven line of communication through the Middle East cut. Russia spanned an entire ogdoad million square miles. However, the looseness and backwardness of their territories did not stop the Russians from compliments to extend their influence. (Warner 5). Albert Seaton believes that the Tsar Nicholas did not want war, but it was part of his governmental strategy to bring Europe to the brink of hostilities in order to intimidate those who opposed him. He would undoubtedly have taken even great risks if only France and Turkey had been involved, but he was worried by the belt up interest taken by the British in the Middle East, for the islanders were already openly assessing the armed strengths there and did not conceal their low faith of the value of the Black Sea Fleet. (Seaton 42).Philip Warner believes that the battle of the Alma occurr ed because Sebastopol, Russias heavily fortified base, had no proper defences and it was decided that the part of the Russian army would be displace to completely stop or at least slow overmatch the Allied Army at Alma. The Russians and the Allies both set up very planned out and strategic formations, but they just terminate up attacking each other head on. For some reason, Menschikov, the commanding officer of the Russian army, didnt bring in his reserves.

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