
Monday, March 18, 2019

War Stories Essay -- Literacy Analysis

The Vietnam War was the maiden war in history to be broadcast on subject area television. Due to the increasing popularity of television ownership and the introduction of the nightly intelligence activity programs such as CBS and NBC, the horrors of war found a place in living rooms across the country. Between 1965 and 1975, nine million plurality served in the Vietnam War, and of those nine million, 58,156 were killed or declared missing in work (Vietnam War Statistics.). Of the 58,156 sol exhalers killed, 11,465 of them were under the age of twenty (Statistics round the Vietnam War). afterward surviving the war, Tim OBrien and Susan ONeill wrote short stories and novels including Tim OBriens The Things They Carried, and Susan ONeills The Boy from Montana. By putting audiences in the lieu of the grunts led by Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and the surgical g acknowledges of Agnes asthmatic, Tim OBrien and Susan ONeill immortalized the struggles experienced by their compatriots and themselves. The things they carried was a short story about Lieutenant Jimmy Cross terzettoing his men through Vietnam. OBrien describes every(prenominal) of the things carried by the men as a way to lay out all of the burdens they had. One thing that Jimmy Cross carried was a rent of letters from a girl named Martha who he thought he was in love with (OBrien). One night Lavender goes out to use the bath and on his return, is shot and killed (OBrien).This causes Cross to realize that his main priority is to lead his men, not swoon over a woman that doesnt love him (OBrien). The Boy from Montana is a short story about Agnes Reedys account of watching a young boy die in the field hospital she worked at in Vietnam. She says that she thought that all death was the same, but one day she... ...Short Stories of Vietnam. New York Ballantine, 2001. 3-11. Print. Roush, Gary. Statistics about the Vietnam War. Vietnam whirlybird Flight Crew Network (VHFCN). 2 June 2008. Web. 18 Mar. 2 012. . Taormina, Agatha. Author compose Tim OBrien. Northern Virginia Community College. Www.nvcc.edu, 10 Mar. 2011. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. . Tim OBrien Interview The Things He Carried. Interview by David L. Edelman. Wordpress, 19 Oct. 1994. Web. 17 Mar. 2012. . Vietnam Veterans Terminology and Slang. VIETNAM VETERANS HOME PAGE. 22 Mar. 2000. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. .Vietnam War Statistics. The Mobile Riverine Force Association. Web. 18 Mar. 2012. .

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